Friday, January 17, 2014


"Surely it is Allah Who causes the seed and the fruit-stone to split and sprout.  He brings forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living.  It is Allah who does all this; then why are you being mislead.  He causes the daybreak from the dark.  He makes the night for rest and makes the rising of the sun and the moon for you to determine times (days, weeks, months and years); these are the arrangements of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.  He is the One who has made the stars for you so that you may find your way thereby in the darkness whether you are in the land or the sea.  We have spelled out Our revelations very clearly for people of common sense.  He is the One who has created you from a single soul and granted you dwelling on Earth and a resting place in the Hereafter.  We have spelled out Our revelations very clearly for people of understanding.  It is He Who sends down rainwater from the sky and therewith produces vegetation of all  kinds.  He bring forth green crops producing grain piled up in the ear, palm trees laden with cluster of dates hanging within reach, gardens of grapes, olives, and pomegranates; though their fruits resemble in kind  yet is different in variety.  Look at their fruits as they yield and ripen.  Behold! In these things there are signs for true believers."  Quran, Al-Anam, 6: 95-99

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