"The righteous shall be in paradise drinking from a cup of wine mixed with Kafoor, from a gushing spring at which the servants of Allah shall refresh themselves, and shall be able to take of of its channels at their will. They are those who keep their vows and dread the Day of widespread terror, who feed the poor, the orphan and the captive for the love of Allah, saying, "We feed you for the sake of Allah, Alone; We seek from you neither reward nor thanks, for we dread our Rabb's torment of a very distressful Day. So Allah will deliver them from the evil of that Day, and bestow on them brightness and joy, and reward them for their steadfastness with paradise and garments of silk.
There they shall be reclining on high couches; they shall feel neither scorching heat nor bitter cold. The trees of paradise will spread their shade upon them, and their fruits will hang in clusters within their easy reach. They shall be served with silver dishes, goblets of crystal, and goblets made of crystal-clear silver, filled according to their wishes , in due measure. They will also be given to drink a cup of wine mixed with Zanjabeel, from a fountain called Salsabeel. they shall be attended by boys graced with eternal youth; when you see them, they seem like scattered pearls. And which ever direction you will look, you will see the splendor of a great Kingdom. They shall be arrayed in garment of fine green silk and rich brocade, adorned with bracelets of silver, and your Rabb will give them pure wine to drink. O' Believers! That is how you will be rewarded, and your endeavors appreciated." Quran, Ad-Dar 76: 5-22
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