"As for the doomsday, it shall come, when the Trumpet will be blown with a single blast and the earth with all its mountain will be lifted up and crushed into pieces with a single blast - On that day the Great Event will come to pass, heaven shall be split asunder and shall become flimsy on that day. The angels will stand all around and eight of them will be carrying the Throne of your Rabb above them. That shall be the day when you will be brought before your Rabb, and none of your secrets shall remain hidden." Quran, Al-Haqdah, 69: 13-18
"Someone from among the unbelievers asked about the punishment which is bound to befall the disbelievers, which none can avert, coming from Allah, the Owners of Ways of Ascent. The angels and Ruh ascend to Him in a Day, the measure of it is fifty thousand years. Therefore, endure with graceful patience. They see it (Doomsday) to be far off, but We see it quite near. On that Day, the sky will become like molten brass and the mountains like flakes of wool; and even a close friend will not ask about his friend, though they will see each other. To save himself from the punishment of the Day, the culprit will wish to give his children, his wife, his relative - who gave him shelter - and all that is in the earth in ransom to save himself." Quran, Al-Maarij 70 : 1-14
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