The chief of Fir'auns people said, "He indeed is a skilled sorcerer who intends to drive you from your land." Fir'aun asked, "So what do you advise?" They said, "Put him and his brother off for a while and send heralds to all the cities to summon every skillful sorcerer to you." The sorcerer came to Fir'aun and said, "We must certainly have some suitable reward if we prevail!" "Yes," he answered, " Not only reward but more, you will become my favoured courtiers." Then they asked Musa, " Will you throw or shoud we be the first ones to throw?" Musa said, "You throw." So when they threw, they bewitched the eyes of the people and terrified them by a display of mighty socery. We inspired Musa to throw his staff. No sooner did he throw then it became a serpent and began to swallow up the creation of their socery! Thus the truth prevailed and all that they did was of no effect. Firaun and and his people were defeated and put to humiliation and the sorcerers, since they were professionals, knew that it was not sorcery, fell down in prostration saying, "We believe in the Rabb of the worlds, the Rabb of Musa and Haroon." Quran Al-Araf 7: 103-122
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Prophet Musa Part 1A
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