"Indeed, We created you, then We fashioned you, then We asked the angels, "prostrate youselves before Adam." They all prostrated accordingly except Iblees (name of Shaitan, Satan) who did not join those who prostrated. Allah said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?" He replied I am better than he; you created me from fire and him from clay." Allah said, "get down from here. You have no right to brag here of your superiority. Get out, henceforth you are of the petty ones." Shaitan requested, "Give me respite till the Day of Resurrection." Allah said, "The respite you requested is hereby granted." Shaitan said, "Since You let me deviate, now I will lie in ambush for mankind on Your right way. I will come upon them from their front, from their rear, from their right and from their left, and You will not find most of them grateful to You." Allah said, "Get out of here, descipable and outcast, I will certainly fill hell with you and all of them who follow you."
Allah said, "O Adam! dwell with your wife in paradise and eat any fruit you please, but do not approach this tree or you shall both become wrongdoers." But Shaitan tempted them so that he might reveal to them the private parts of their bodies which they had never seen before. He told them, "Your Rabb has forbidden you to approach this tree only to prevent you from becoming angels or immortals." And he swore to them both, "I am your sincere adviser." Thus, he seduced them, and when they ate from the tree, their shame became visible to them and they began to cover themselves with the leaves of the garden. Then their Rabb called out to them, "Did I not forbid you to approach this tree, and did I not warn you that Shaitan is your open enemy?" They both relied, "Our Rabb! We have wronged our souls. If You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we shall certainly be of the losers." Allah said, " Get down, some of you are the enemy of others.. The Earth shall be your dwelling place and your means of livelihood for a fixed term." He further said, "Therein you will live and therein you shall die and therefrom you will be raised to life on the Day of Resurrection." Quran Al-Araf 7: 11-25
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