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"Your Rabb creates whatever He wills and chooses for His work whom He pleases. It is not for them (mushrikeen) to choose and assign the powers of Allah to whom they want. Glory be to Allah! He is far above the shirk that these people commit. Your Rabb knows all that they conceal in their hearts and all that they reveal. He is Allah, there is no god but He. Praise belongs to Him in this world and in the hereafter. His is the Judgement and to Him you shall be brought back. O' Prophet, ask them, "Have you ever considered that if Allah makes the night perpetual till the Day of Resurrection, which deity other than Allah could bring you light? Will you not listen?" Ask them again, "Have you ever considered that if Allah makes the day perpetual till the Day of Resurrection, which deity other than Allah could bring you the night in which you could rest? Will you not see? It is out of His Mercy that He has made for you the night during which you may rest, and the day during which you may seek His bounty, and that you may render thanks." They should be mindful of the Day when He will call them and ask, "Where are those deities whom you deemed my associates?" And We shall bring forth a witness from every nation and ask, "Bring your proof about other deities besides Me." Then they shall come to know that in reality there is only One God, Allah, and that the gods of their own invention have left them in the lurch." Quran, Al-Qasas, 28: 68-75
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