"Those who follow the Rasool, the unlettered prophet (Mohammad) - whom they shall find described in the Tawrat (Tarah) and the Ingeel (Gospel), who enjoins them what is good and forbids them what is evil; who makes pure things halal (lawful) for them and impure thing haram (unlawful); who relieves them from their heavy burdens and from their yolks that are around their necks. Therefore, those who believe in him, honor him, help him , and follow the Light which is sent down with him, will be the ones who will be successful.
O' Mohammad say, "O' Mankind! I am the Rasool of Allah towards all of you, from the One to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens, there is no deity but Him. He brings to life and causes to die. Therefore believe in Allah and His Rasool, the unlettered prophet (Mohammad) who believes in Allah and His Word. Follow him so that you may be rightly guided." Quran, Al-Araf, 7: 157-158
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