"But no! I do swear by the retreating stars, that run their course and hide, by the night as it dissipates, by the morning when it breaths again: surely this is the Word (Quran, brought by) a most honorable Messenger (Gabriel), possessor of mighty power, having very high ranks with the Owner of the Throne (Allah), who is obeyed in heaven and is trustworthy. O' people of Mecca! Your companion has not gone mad; he (Mohammed) indeed saw him (Gabriel) in the clear horizon, and he (Mohammed) is not to withhold the knowledge of the unseen (i.e. whatever is revealed by Allah). This (Quran) is not the word of the accursed Shaitan. Where then is your imagination taking you? This is but a reminder to all the people of the world to each one of you who wills to follow the Right Way. And you cannot will without the will of Allah, the Rabb of the worlds. Quran, At-Takweer, 81: 15-29
Friday, March 14, 2014
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
"Surely the righteous will be rewarded with gardens of delight by their Rabb. Shall We treat the Muslims as We treat the criminals? What is the matter with you? What kind of judgement do you make? Or do you have a book from which you read that you shall be given whatever you choose? Or do you have a sworn covenant - a covenant binding on us till the a Day of Resurrection - that you shall have whatever you demand? Ask if any of them will vouch for that. Or do they have other gods who can help them against Allah? If so let them produce their other gods, if they are truthful. On the Day of Judgement they will be called upon to prostrate themselves, they shall not be able to do so. They shall stand with eyes downcast, utterly humbled, because during their safe and sound earthly life, when they were called upon to prostrate themselves, they refused to do so." Quran, Al-Qalam, 68: 34-43
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
"We (Allah) created man. We know the promptings of his soul, and We are closer to him than his jugular vein. We have assigned to each and every one two scribes (guardian angels), one seated on the right and the other on his left. Not a single word does he utter but there is a vigilant guardian ready to note it down. When the agony of death will become the truth before his eyes, he will say, "This is what we were trying to escape!" And the trumpet shall be blown, that will be the day of which you were threatened. Each soul will come forth, with it, there will be an angel to drive and an angel to bear witness. It will be said, "You were heedless of this but now We have removed your veil, so your eyesight is sharp today!" His companion angel will say, "Here is my testimony ready with me." The sentence will be, "Throw into hell every stubborn disbeliever, opponent of good and doubting transgressor, who set up other gods besides Allah. So throw him into severe punishment." Quran, Qaf, 50: 16-26
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
"O Believers! Let no men laugh at other men who may be perhaps better than they are, and let no women laugh at other women who may be perhaps better than they are. Do not defame through sarcastic remarks about one another, nor call one another by offensive nicknames. It is an evil thing to be called by a bad name after being a believer and those who do not repent are the ones who are the wrongdoers. O' Believers! Avoid immoderate suspicion, for in some cases, suspicion is a sin. Do not spy on one another, nor backbite one another (to say something behind another's back, that if one hears it, dislikes it). Would any of you like to eat the flesh of your dead brother? Surely, You would abhor it. Fear Allah for Allah is the Acceptor of repentance, Merciful." Quran, Al-Hujurat, 49: 11-12
"But Allah has endeared the faith (Islam) to you and beautified it in your hearts making unbelief, wrongdoing and disobedience abhorrent to you. It is they (who follow Islam), who are rightly guided through Allah's grace and blessings. Allah is All-Knowledgeable, All-Wise. If two parties among the believers fall into a fight, make peace between them. Then if either of them transgresses against the other, fight the transgressor until they return to the commands of Allah. Then if they return, make peace between them with justice and be fair, for Allah loves those who are fair and just. The believers are brothers of one another, therefore make reconciliation between your brothers and fear Allah, so that you may be shown mercy." Quran, Al-Hujurat, 49: 7-10
Saturday, March 1, 2014
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