Remind them of the story when your Rabb called Musa and said, "Go to the wicked people, the people of Fir'aun. Have they no fear? Musa submitted saying, "My Rabb, I fear that they will reject me. As a result of which my breast may feel cramped, while my tongue is not eloquent, therefore send Haroon with me. They have a charge of manslaughter against me and I fear they may put me to dealt. Allah said, "Indeed not! Proceed both of you with Our signs, surely we are with you listening. Go to Fir'aun and tell him, 'we are the Rasools from the Rabb of the Worlds. You should send with us the children of Israel." When they went to Fir'aun and conveyed the message, he said, "Did we not cherish you when you were a child? Did you not stay several years of your life among us? Then you did what you did, you are so ungrateful!" Musa replied, "I did that when I was a misguided youth. I fled from you because I feared you, but now my Rabb has granted me judgement and appointed me as one of His Rasools. Is it a favor with which you taunt me, that you have enslaved the Children of Israel?" Fir'aun said, "Who is this Rabb of the Worlds?" Musa replied, "He is the Rabb of the heavens and the earth and all that lies between them, if you really care to believe." Fir'aun said to those around him, "Do you hear that?" Musa continued, "He is your Rabb and the Rabb of your forefathers." Fir'aun interjected, "This Rasool of yours who has been sent to you is crazy." Musa continued, "He is the Rabb of the east and west and all that lies between them. If you would only care and try to understand." At this Fir'aun who did not want to listen anymore said, "If you serve any other god besides me, I shall have you thrown into prison." At this Musa said, "What if I show you a convincing sign?" Fir'aun said, "Go ahead show it if you are truthful." Hearing this Musa threw down his staff, and thereupon it changed into a veritable serpent. Then he drew forth his hand and it became shining bright for the spectators.
After witnessing both of the miracles, Fir'aun said to the chiefs around him, "This fellow is certainly a skilled magician, who seeks to drive you out from your land by the force of his magic. Now what is your advice?" They submitted, "Put him and his brother off for a while, and dispatch collectors to the various cities to bring you every skilled magician." So the magicians were brought together at the appointed time on a fixed day. The people were motivated through saying, "Would you come to the gathering? So that we may follow the magicians if they are dominant." When the magicians arrived, they asked Fir'aun, "Shall we get a reward if we are dominant?" Fir'aun replied, "Yes of course! You will be made my courtiers." Musa said to them, "Cast down what you are going to cast." Thereupon they cast down their ropes and staffs, saying, "By the might of Fir'aun we shall be winners." Then Musa threw down his staff and lo, it swallowed what they had produced. At this, all the magicians fell down in prostration, "We believe in the Rabb of the Worlds, the Rabb of Musa and Haroon." Fir'aun shouted, "How dare you believe in him before I give you permission? He must be your master who taught you witchcraft. But soon you shall find out. I will cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides and crucify you all." They replied, "We don't care! We are going to return to our Rabb anyway. We only desire that our Rabb may forgive us our sins as we are first to believe."
We revealed to Musa saying, "Set off with my servants at night and beware that you will be pursued." Fir'aun sent collectors to all the cities and to mobilize his people he said, "These Israelites are but a handful of people who have provoked us much; while we have a large army, well prepared." Thus did We make them leave their gardens and their water springs, their treasures and their sumptuous dwellings. This is how they were made to lose, while on the other hand We made the Children of Israel inheritors of such things. At sunrise the Egyptians pursued them. When the two hosts came face to face, the companions of Musa cried out, "We are surely overtaken." Musa said, "Not at all! My Rabb is with me, He will surely show me a way out." Then We revealed Our will to Musa, "Strike the sea with your staff," and the sea was cleft asunder, each part stood like a mighty mountain. We made the other party, Fir'aen and his followers, follow them. We delivered Musa and all who were with him, and drowned the others. Surely, there is a lesson in this, yet most of the people do not learn this lesson to become believers. Surely, your Rabb is All-Mighty, the Most Merciful. 26: 10-68